Real bodies! Pretty freaked out tho! With all the addition of eerie noises. Was given a piece of paper to find for the artifacts given, ended up snaping photos.
Sorry for the really blur picture, no flash was allowed there. Almost everything there was restricted. Everyone was extremely pissed about the security guard chasing us away at the exit, we're right there taking pictures and he said: "If your got nothing to do, please go out. Don't block the way!" We're invited to go there, sit on the roach-infested bus, specially came all the way to filled up the worksheet (to get $200 which is not that easy to earn okay), see your attitude. We've yet to finish walking/snaping photos and we have already followed the rules accordingly saying: No food and drinks allowed, do not touch the artifacts, no flash allowed, no screaming/yelling. BUT yet you chase us out. So much for being xcited for this trip.
Okay there're a hell lot of pigtures in Theepan's cam, shall upload in facebook tml! Tomorrow is the day whereby all the students will get to know if we're promoted. Shall bring mega lots of tissues. Tears of joy or tears of disappointment? I don't know. Miss Thia and Miss Cheryl will be treating us Mac Breakie tomorrow, i bet those who're retaining won't even have appetite to finish them up. May the fairies sprinkle some love and luck to me tomorrow. Till here! xo