I-don't-know who took this, I was looking at my nails. Retarded, yes. Am pissed with Theepan's thumbdrive, well we used his camera to snap pictures and i've problem uploading up. I only took those 4 clear ones, because something happened to my photoscape (unable to bloom those pigtures) No flash, can't expect much!
Okay, so today i thank all the fairies for getting me promoted. Pass 4 failed 3, yes Maths, Science and Pure Geog. So am i happy for getting promoted or sad i didn't retained to build a better foundation in Maths? Well, god's willing. Miss thia cried in class today, because she was disappointed in our class. But guys, continue working harder! It's not the end of the world, e3 always support you. Miss thia cried and literally the whole class cried. Luckily i brought 2 packets of tissues with me, eventually it's all used up!Was released and Mr Kanan talked to our class for awhile. And he motivated me for that past 5 mins (i don't know how you guys think but it really motivated me!) , oh yes maybe we should start revising now instead of starting next year!