Think twice, now i don't bother if i'm retaining. What if i'm being promoted but not having to pass maths during O's and have an F9 (which obviously we need maths to enter poly/art school) come to think of it again. If i were to retain this time round, put in more effort in Maths maybe i would have another chance of entering a better course in poly right? Think again. Retaining does not means it's the end of the world. Like what my mom told me: "If you were to retain, mommy will support you. Just work harder, don't give up." I cried immediately. Let's think positively, why die? Thankyou friends who told me to work harder, give me faith ♥
Maybe i'm just losing freedom if i retain. But losing freedom means it can also help you in scoring better in O's right? Think positive people ♥